may lead to hair loss

Antidepressants Blood thinner There is no lack of solutions, prescription and Can be used for the treatment of alopecia. Every once in a period of time, Such as Rogaine a new "miracle" drugs to enter the market. Not every solution to cure hair loss. Correct Course of the decision prior to diagnosis The alopecia of action. Cholesterol-lowering drugs Anticonvulsants to take epilepsy # 4 side effects Chemotherapy drugs Gout agent Causes and is ongoing research Alopecia solutions. Recently, Japanese scientists From the study concluded that excessive sebum clogging Hair root cause of hair loss. Excessive intake of some Nutrients, such as vitamins A and E can actually promote Hair loss. Certain drugs taken for other purposes can cause hair loss As a side effect. The following is a list of possible Medicines and drugs, may lead to hair loss. Anticoagulants . Drugs from vitamin A However, not all of the prescription drugs in these categories There are side effects of hair loss. This has to be checked Contact your doctor. Ulcer # 5 other factors Anabolic steroids